We exist in an era of extreme information, immersed in a constant stream of content. Our consumption of the infinite panorama offered by the Internet is driven by algorithms, finite sequences of instructions that circumscribe the decidable through logic in a fundamentally illogical world. If that interpretation posits an architecture of understanding, in contrast humanity can be defined by its unpredictability, a rejection of the derivative and expected. Here, a discourse is opened, provoked, between these two distinct perspectives.
A sequence of concurrent realities are here dedications to the individual, every look a unique reflection of their present. There is a plurality of Prada, elements from different eras coexisting simultaneously to challenge any theory of chronology, creating impossible contradictions, points of difference. The notion of the superhero becomes a representation of the centrality of the individual, their agency, and of the power of creativity as a means to transform. Everything changes.
Infinite options proffer infinite opportunities. Chance is presented as an expression of free will, the unanticipated something only possible through human intervention, invention and choice that cannot be replicated. A multiplicitous present is proposed, in these celebrations of people and studies of Prada.