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    Prada Group and Bonadonna Foundation

    Working together on an innovative cancer treatment and research project
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    Since 2018, the Prada Group supports the project to foster cancer treatment research that was launched by the Gianni Bonadonna Foundation.

    The initiative, for which the Prada Group is a Supporting Partner, aims to continue the legacy of the great oncologist after whom the foundation is named. Bonadonna was responsible for innovation in all aspects of cancer research and treatment, leading to substantial progress and tangible clinical results in cancer care.


    The project, launched in October 2018, has established itself as a valuable support for scientific research in oncology and comprises:

    - support for multidisciplinary teams of doctors and researchers dedicated to studying and developing new treatments for cancer patients, also involving industry and public and private investors;

    - a fellowship program for young oncologists enrolled in the last two years of graduate programs specializing in medical oncology or hematology, and for neo-specialists within two years of receiving their degree, in partnership with universities across the world, hospitals and leading research centres, providing an effective way to expand the exchange of scientific ideas.


    To mark the World Cancer Day 2025, on 4th February 2025, the three winners of the fourth edition of the Fellowship program were announced. Luca Boscolo Bielo, Marianna Palazzo and Federica Pecci will work on their research projects in renowned international oncology institutes, contributing to finding new hopes of cures for many cancer patients affected.

    Luca Boscolo Bielo
    Luca Boscolo Bielo

    Luca Boscolo Bielo is a medical oncology fellow at the European Institute of Oncology and the University of Milan. His proposed project will be conducted at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, and will be focused on understanding how tumor clonality may modulate the sensitivity and acquired resistance to targeting ESR1 in metastatic, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers. The project aims to better stratify patients who are likely to benefit from targeted treatments, unveiling poorly defined mechanisms of resistance to optimize treatment strategies and improve clinical outcomes.

    Marianna Palazzo
    Marianna Palazzo

    Marianna Palazzo graduated with honors in Medicine from

    the University of Perugia and has just completed the Hematology residency at the University of Florence. Throughout her training, she has focused on clinical and laboratory aspects of aggressive lymphomas. Since the beginning of 2024, Dr. Palazzo has collaborated with the laboratory of Dr. Margaret Shipp, where she will continue her work as a postdoctoral researcher. Her awarded project aims to characterize the genetic and microenvironmental signatures of extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, that have poor outcomes and represent an unmet medical need, with the goal of revealing subtype-specific novel therapeutic targets.

    Federica Pecci
    Federica Pecci

    Federica Pecci is a Medical Oncologist from the University of Parma, currently based at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology. She has focused her research over the past three years on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring genomic alterations of MET and on the identification of biomarkers of response and resistance to immunotherapy in advanced NSCLC. The focus of her project is to characterize the clinicopathologic, genomic and immunophenotypic factors associated with efficacy of chemoimmunotherapy in resectable NSCLCto define biomarkers that can support patient stratification in clinical practice and related tailored therapeutic strategy in the perioperative setting.



    On February 9th, 2024, the winners of the third edition of the call for applications for fellowships were announced: Chiara Corti and Caterina Sposetti, two young Italian researchers will delve into innovative approaches to breast cancer as they pursue their research projects abroad, supported by these three-year fellowships.

    Chiara Corti
    Chiara Corti

    Chiara Corti is a clinical researcher at the Division of Development of New Drugs for Innovative Therapies at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. She will work on her project at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Harvard Medical School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her research will deal with triple-negative breast cancer, where she will try to describe and analyze the interactions between neoplastic cells and immune cells within the tumor. This will hopefully lead to a more profound comprehension of these dynamics and to see if they can influence the response to preoperative therapies and to the risk of recurrence.

    Caterina Sposetti
    Caterina Sposetti

    Caterina Sposetti moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute – Harvard Medical School, from Milan, where she worked at the Fondazione IRCCS National Cancer Institute. Early breast cancer is the main focus of her research project. Thanks to the fellowship, she will pursue her aim: to assess how a low or absent expression of the HER2 receptors on tumor cells may affect the metabolism of both cancer and patient, as well as its effects on disease prognosis.


    On February 10th, 2023 the winner of the second edition was announced: the young hematologist and researcher Eleonora Calabretta, who will be able to research innovative approaches to cancer, and carry out her program, focused on diffuse large B cell lymphoma.

    Eleonora Calabretta
    Eleonora Calabretta

    Eleonora Calabretta, from the Humanitas University in Milan, has started a new professional experience at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston focused on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Her project will concentrate on newly described genetic signatures of the tumor in newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, with the aim to assess potential differences in response to a novel first-line combination therapy and to define genetic features of relapsed tumors, respectively. This translational research project will contribute to the advancement of knowledge on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, identifying molecular patterns to guide clinicians to rational delivery of conventional as well as novel therapies and generating a molecular framework for a personalized therapy.


    On February 11th, 2022, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the winners of the first edition were announced: Gaia Giannone e Stefania Morganti. The projects will contribute to the advancement of knowledge on ovarian and breast cancer.

    Gaia Giannone
    Gaia Giannone

    Gaia Giannone, coming from the Istituto di Candiolo - Fondazione del Piemonte per l’Oncologia - IRCCS, will work on ovarian cancer at the Imperial College in London. Her project will focus on high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma, the most frequent and aggressive cancer of this kind. The aim is to identify mutations that occur during tumor progression and the development of resistance, in order to offer more precise therapies to patients at each stage of the disease.

    Stefania Morganti
    Stefania Morganti

    Stefania Morganti will move from the Istituto Europeo di Oncologia in Milan to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, for a research on HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. The aim of her research project is to deepen the studies on minimal residual disease as a possible indicator of long-term response to therapy. More adequate treatment strategies based on specific characteristics of the tumors may emerge in this way, for the benefit of patients.

    «Education and culture are essential tools that help us not only to understand ourselves and the world we live in but also push us to explore what we do not know. I am happy that Prada can support a new generation of excellent researchers in their study and education path alongside the Gianni Bonadonna Foundation.»

    Miuccia Prada

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    Gianni Bonadonna was born in Milan in 1934. After its Medical and Surgery degree, obtained in 1959 at the University of Milan, he had continued his studies in the United States from 1961 to 1964. After these years he had started to work at the National Cancer Institute of Milan. He was a medicine pioneer thanks to its Hodgkin's disease cure, its innovative therapies against cancer and always put first the care and respect for the patients.

    «I think that supporting those who give their life to research and treatment of cancer, the disease of our time, is something we owe to the society, to ensure that the success of treatments continue to improve, not only for the present day, but also, and most importantly, for future generations. In addition, this also provides an opportunity to increase my involvement in exploring the role of science in contemporary society in a interdisciplinary context.»

    Miuccia Prada

    «The foundation wants to honour a giant of medicine, who changed the way we perceive and tackle various cancers, and created tools that allow us to treat many of them and cure some. Gianni Bonadonna, a highly cultured visionary with endless curiosity, was also always a practical and down-to-earth man. The best tribute to him is to practice what he preached: to embrace innovation and to trust and support young talent. Thanks to the Prada Group, the foundation we named after him can now set about doing just that.»

    Luca Gianni, President of the Fondazione Gianni Bonadonna

    9 February 2024
    Fondazione Gianni Bonadonna Fellowships: the winners of the third edition
    10 February 2023
    11 February 2022
    21 APRIL 2021

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