Purpose and Values
Dedicated to pre-school children in Venice, the initiative is based on the principles of outdoor education, a didactic approach whose pillars are experiential learning, the environment, and the well-being of those involved, with the aim of creating a link between children and, in this specific case, the lagoon ecosystem.
Watch the documentary on the Kindergarten of the Lagoon, previewed in Venice on the occasion of the Ocean Literacy World Conference organized by Prada Group and UNESCO-IOC as part of SEA BEYOND.
On 24th January 2023, to mark the International Day of Education, Prada Group and UNESCO launched “Kindergarten of the Lagoon”, an innovative outdoor education experience for pre-school children in Venice on Torcello Island.
Day’s programme included outdoor activities throughout the morning for 40 pupils from six schools involved.
The project is based on a didactic approach whose pillars are experiential learning, the environment, and the well-being of children, with the aim of creating a link with the lagoon ecosystem, a witness to the effects of climate change.
The first cycle of classes ends in June 2023 and the new programme starts again in September, coinciding with the schools’ calendars.
«SEA BEYOND and the Kindergarten of the Lagoon we launched today show that Prada Group is deeply committed in social responsibility and that the co-operation between private companies and institutions has a positive impact, far greater than the value of the initiative itself. Making culture more attractive for new generations is a goal for our Group.»
LORENZO BERTELLI, Prada Group Head of Corporate Social Responsibility
«Our future is in the ocean. We want young people to become friends of the ocean as soon as possible.»
VLADIMIR RYABININ, Executive Secretary of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Kindergarten of the Lagoon was presented on May 4th 2022 at Ca’ Corner della Regina, the Venetian venue of Fondazione Prada, by Lorenzo Bertelli, Prada Group Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Ana Luiza M. Thompson-Flores, Director of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, at the presence of local institutions.
Francesca Santoro, UNESCO Programme Specialist, Fabio Pranovi, professor at Università Ca’ Foscari and specialist in the ecology of the Venice lagoon and Francesca Milan, expert in environmental education - active members of the Scientific Committee dedicated to the project - contributed to the discussion, explaining the educational and ecological approach at the base of the initiative.
«SEA BEYOND is not a short term project, but an initiative that we intend to continue over time. For us it is a long-term commitment, to educate young generations to the preservation of the Sea, and for such a project we need patience.»
LORENZO BERTELLI, Prada Group Head of Corporate Social Responsibility
«Ocean education contributes to a more active citizenship. It helps young people of today to become responsible decision makers of tomorrow.»
ANA LUIZA M. THOMPSON-FLORES, Director of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe