Purpose and Values
The Logistics Hub at Levanella, in Tuscany, is the focal point of a major restructuring project regarding the logistics system for finished products. It was designed by architect Guido Canali to respect the environment and promote the wellbeing of workers with the planting of peripheral trees, artificial dunes, roof gardens, glass walls and walkways.
The facility consists of eight buildings totalling 44,000 square metres. Three of these are dedicated to the reorganisation and rationalisation of the storage of the Prada Group's finished product of clothing, footwear and leather goods. Three blocks are dedicated to the quality control of the individual divisions and to activities serving the warehouses. One block consists of management offices and lastly there is a pavilion used for the canteen.
The building, in which the quality control for clothing is carried out, is now active and it is completely independent from the main structure, to assure the highest quality level of each garment. The project has also focused closely on energy efficiency, providing a cutting-edge example of excellence in the Group’s industrial structure: the complex is equipped with an air conditioning system based on geothermal energy and bringing together the latest technologies in an effective way to care for and preserve the environment. Each building is equipped with photovoltaic panels and LED lighting.
The last pavilion of the Logistics Hub is the canteen, characterized by copious creepers that branch out onto a 1,200 square meters pergola at 10 meters above the ground, forming a horizontal carpet, that protects the area below from the sun. It is a structure with a strong visual impact, which contributes, together with the numerous trees, to the absorption of CO2 and the well-being of the diners.