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    “可能的对话”在Prada Epicenter举办,邀请世界各地的思考者、文化学者、科学家与时尚界人士展开一系列对谈。对谈体现了Prada多维宇宙丰富多元的热爱。

    自2024年以来,“可能的对话”开始关注SEA BEYOND项目,该项目旨在提高可持续发展和海洋保护意识。

    “可能的对话”SEA BEYOND东京活动

    Following on from the first Prada Possible Conversation with SEA BEYOND held in May in New York, the next step of the collaboration between Emmy-nominated environmental photographer and climate artist Enzo Barracco and SEA BEYOND took shape in early December 2024 with a second Conversation, at the Prada Aoyama Epicenter in Tokyo. 

    The Conversation marked the opening of an exhibition by Enzo Barracco, showcasing images from his expedition in Hawaii and taken from his latest book “The Blue on Fire, Hawai’I”. Presented during the event, the photographic book captures the beauty and fragility of the islands, contributing to raising awareness of the local biodiversity. The foreword is written by Lorenzo Bertelli, Prada Group Head of Corporate Social Responsibility.

    The Conversation between the photographer Enzo Barracco, Francesca Santoro, UNESCO-IOC Senior Program Officer, Meghan Marrero, NMEA USA Blue Schools National Coordinator, Joanna Philippoff, NMEA Director, Board of Directors, and Sakana-Kun, ichthyologist, Illustrator and Academic Lecturer, highlighted the urgency of ocean preservation and environmental stewardship and how art and culture can be instrumental in furthering science to spread knowledge and raise awareness with the ultimate goal of inspiring audiences to act.

    “可能的对话”SEA BEYOND纽约活动

    2024年5月22日,为纪念国际生物多样性日,Prada集团专门围绕SEA BEYOND项目,在Epicenter纽约百老汇旗舰店举办了一场特别的“可能的对话”。这场讨论以艾美奖提名摄影师兼气候艺术家Enzo Barracco的作品为专题,与联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会高级项目官员Francesca Santoro以及国家海洋教育工作者协会(NMEA)蓝色学校委员会主席Meghan Marrero开展对话。

    讨论在晚间举行,探讨了海洋保护和环境管理的紧迫性,旨在启发广大受众投身这项重要的全球举措。在这场重要对话举办的期间,同期展出Enzo Barracco的精选照片,均选自其著作“The Noise of Ice: Antarctica” 和“The Skin of Rock Galápagos”。

    在活动中,Enzo Barracco因践行海洋保护承诺,与其他知名人士一起被提名为SEA BEYONDERS。

    «“我们目前正处于关键时刻,迫切需要采取行动。我们作为人类的行为需要向可持续之路方向转变。这个过程中,教育和提高认识是关键,而这一点可以通过不同的形式实现:相机镜头就是其中之一,它可以捕捉到美丽而脆弱的景观和濒危物种,而这一切正因为气候变化直接导致海洋变暖而受到威胁。摄影师是强大的盟友,因为他们可以通过艺术,激励每个人为这一需集体努力的过程做出贡献。” »

    Francesca Santoro,联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会(UNESCO-IOC)高级项目官员

    «“我相信每个人都有责任在自己的能力和技能范围内,为我们的地球做些贡献。我通过摄影来实现,因为照片不需要翻译。” »

    Enzo Barracco,环境摄影师、气候艺术家兼SEA BEYONDer


    Meghan Marrero,国家海洋教育工作者协会(NMEA)蓝色学校委员会主席


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