For the 2019 Fall/Winter Prada Men’s and Women’s show, AMO has created a theatrical field of lights in the grand hall of the Deposito, the multifunctional venue for performances that is part of the Fondazione Prada complex.
Spectators are seated along the perimeter of the room, occupying several architectural devices – a terrace, newly built stages and a balcony – that give shape to the show space and surround a rectangular void in the center. A platform stippled by a regular grid of light bulbs, balancing between a performative landscape and bygone scientific experiments by Nikola Tesla, shimmers in the darkness of the room.
The models walk, distanced from the crowd, through an artificial terrain made of dimly lit glass and soft spiky foam; evoking a mysterious and uncanny atmosphere, reminiscent of a scene from a science fiction movie. A series of dramatic spotlights enhance the spectacle adding an intimate dimension to the performance, which contrasts with the vastness and industrial character of the Deposito.
Credit: OMA/AMO